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  1. I

    HTTPS for admin panel?

    Under WebAdmin Settings > Listeners > General you can set it to Secure, but before restarting the lsws you need to make sure you have a valid SSL certificate and it is also set under the SSL tab.
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    External App / Proxy - Error log full of access headers (?)

    Not yet mate. Problem still exists in new version.
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    External App / Proxy - Error log full of access headers (?)

    Thanks for your reply stuart.h ! I had reached out on the official slack channel a couple of days ago and it was indicated that this was normal and I should log an issue on github to get it looked at. I completely agree that they are a nuisance - they take up disk space and consume disk writes...
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    Swapfile for the OLS or not

    I dont recommend swapfiles for servers, just get 20% more ram than you need. Its really simple why, Nvme / SSD and physical disks have such poor read speeds for web ops. Besides if you are swapping - its almost always the case that you dont have enough memory. If you have a rogue process or just...
  5. I

    External App / Proxy - Error log full of access headers (?)

    Hopefully that makes some sense, as I have no idea what these actually are or where they are coming from. Sorry for the number of screenshots. I have an app called Tailon which runs on port 9001 and basically streams log files via the Tail command. I have OLS with an External App configured...
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    LetsEncrypt SSL script does not work Ubuntu 18.04

    OK now the ./certbot-auto script works, all that was wrong was I was not using /usr/local/lsws/Example/html Leaving for anyone else to point and laugh at my sillyness :D
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    LetsEncrypt SSL script does not work Ubuntu 18.04

    Also running this with the ./certbot-auto certonly (which does not skip the bootstrap of packages gives the same error; Waiting for verification... Challenge failed for domain Challenge failed for domain http-01 challenge for http-01...
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    LetsEncrypt SSL script does not work Ubuntu 18.04

    Thanks kindly for both your reply and updating the wiki link (y) Upon trying however I get a different error this time; root@init01:/var/lib/letsencrypt# certbot certonly --dry-run --webroot -w /usr/local/lsws/Example -d The error; Saving debug log to...
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    LetsEncrypt SSL script does not work Ubuntu 18.04

    Or am I supposed to just use the certbot program from the ppa:certbot/certbot respository?
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    LetsEncrypt SSL script does not work Ubuntu 18.04

    Hello Everyone, I am trying to install an SSL cert through LetsEncrypt using the guide @ and I am getting the following error; root@init01:~# ./certbot-auto certonly --no-bootstrap Creating virtual environment... Traceback (most...