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  1. markc

    lsphp80-gd deb

    I notice there is a lsphp80-gd rpm package available but no deb. Would anyone have any idea when the lsphp80-gd might become available now that Wordpress 5.6 has been released? Oh, and will there be a lsphp80-redis package available at some point? I also just noticed I can't use the WPvivid...
  2. markc

    VHost Templates with SSL certificates

    I have a Template set up and in the "SSL -> Private Key File" section I have /etc/ssl/$VH_NAME/privkey.pem and added a member virtual host but the default SSL certificate applied from the SSL listener always comes up. Is it possible to use $VH_NAME (or $VH_DOMAIN) as part of a "Private Key File"...
  3. markc

    Convert nginx docroot to OLS rewrite

    I've seen plenty of google hits for converting Apache to nginx and Apache to OLS but very few guides for converting nginx configs to OLS. With nginx I have a port 80 wildcard rule for .well-known to change only the doc root path to a common primary host path so I can get/renew Letsencrypt...
  4. markc

    Scripting Listener/Vhost settings

    I notice if I simple copy conf/vhosts/Example/* to ie; conf/vhosts/ and then edit the vhconf.conf file accordingly and create the right docroot folders that the webadmin interface does not pick up this newly added vhost. How do folks use simple shell scripts or orchestration tools to...