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  1. S

    403 Forbidden error on /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    I've just migrated a wordpress site to OLS, and I get a 403 Forbidden error on `/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php` by one plugin. I used to have caching enabled but I don't anymore. I used the exact same site with the same plugin on 3 different hosts before, apache and nginx, without a problem. This...
  2. S

    How to set auto-renewal of Let's Encrypt SSL?

    I have an AWS EC2 instance running OpenLiteSpeed, with multiple sites/domains hosted on it. Everything works fine, but is there a way to set up the auto-renewal of SSL certificates (Let's Encrypt ones)?
  3. S

    Adding a subdomain

    I've tried to add a subdomain with a separate wp installation, but it's not working. I'm running OpenLiteSpeed on AWS EC2. I pointed the subdomain to the same IP as the main one. I've created a directory for it at /var/www/, and created a copy of the main domain's conf file...
  4. S

    CORS policy issues regarding fonts on AWS Cloudfront

    Hi! I just set up Cloudfront for my website, and it introduced an issue regarding fonts being blocked due to no CORS policy. I have added this piece of code to my .htaccess file, in the root of my Wordpress website. Obviously is replaced with the actual domain. RewriteCond...