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  1. B

    How do I securely set up vhosts owned by unique users?

    I'm used to working with Apache and php-fpm. With Apache, when I create new vhosts, I create a new user. That user has ownership of the docroot. I then create an fpm pool for that user. And when I configure that pool: * I set the user/group of the process to be the new user * I give the httpd...
  2. B

    How can I create a new vhost without using the Dashboard?

    Hi all. I'm new to litespeed. I've just installed openlitespeed on a lab server. Now I would like to set up a vhost. Problem is, the knowledgebase along with every other googleable resource on litespeed vhosts describe how to set up vhosts without the dashboard. And I can't find any official...