How do I securely set up vhosts owned by unique users?

I'm used to working with Apache and php-fpm.
With Apache, when I create new vhosts, I create a new user. That user has ownership of the docroot.

I then create an fpm pool for that user. And when I configure that pool:
* I set the user/group of the process to be the new user
* I give the httpd user ownership of the socket to the user of the httpd process

This creates a degree of separation between vhosts (although obviously other measure are required to assure separation)

It also means that the user can make changes to files and directories within their own document root.

Now that I'm coming to Litespeed I want these same advantages.
But Litespeed comes with it's own php and it's own way of doing things.
I'd like to figure out how to migrate my workflow from Apache to Litespeed.

So for the moment, the concrete questions I have are these:

How can configure vhost files/directories to be writable by a user, and also allow the Litespeed process to write to them?

Does Litespeed allow for seperate FPM pools per user?
If so, where/how are they configured?