error 404

  1. apicard27

    OpenLiteSpeed Status

    Hello, I'm on Ubuntu 24 with the latest version OLS. I got a 404 on my new installation. I check the service status and I get this: main.ERROR: Error: Application is not installed yet. I check in the error log I got this: Failed to get process [20209] start time, not running, skip killing...
  2. EdKrasnov

    A 404 error with a redirect appeared on important categories in WordPress

    Hello, dear developers and users of OpenLiteSpeed! We really need your help and advice! After moving from the technical branch to the working one, important headings stopped working a few days later: - - - there is a...
  3. Master3395

    Custom Errors not loading CyberPanel + Cmsms

    Hello. I have set up my VPS with CyberPanel, and it uses OpenLiteSpeed. I have then installed Cmsms to be my "cms" solution, just like WordPress. But I'm facing an issue where pages that do not exist, show a blank page with the code 200. Saying that the page works fine. But in reality, it would...
  4. dendamir

    Error 404 Not Found

    Sorry for my english. Hello everyone! I recently updated CyberPanel to 2.1 and some hell of a thing started. First, the LiteSpeed Enterprise Web Server license flew. And after its re-activation, the page of my site began to issue a 404 error on all pages except the home page. Can you please...
  5. S

    Custom DocumentRoot returns 404

    I created a new virtual host for a domain name say, with the custom Document Root (/home/someName/html) having just one index.html page. The owner and group of the document root folder is the domain name without the extension (someName:someName). I have specified "someName" in the...
  6. D

    Directadmin OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin Console by port 7080 - Error 404 Not Found The resource

    Before, OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin Console was working fine, but after upgrading openlitespeed to the latest version, I get the following error , when I want to enter OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin Console by http://x.x.x.x:7080 or even by https : 404 Not Found The resource requested could not be found...
  7. M

    Sudden 404 errors and you have to restart the lsws service to fix it

    Hi, I'm experimenting a strange issue with an OpenLiteSpeed (1.6.13) installation on a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. On this machine i just have one single vhost (a Wordpress installation) and everything works normally except that sometimes, randomly OLS starts to returns 404 for all the requests and the...
  8. derzz

    Web server 404 at times

    Hello I am new in the forum, please move this post if it is wrongly located or indicate where you should go. I had already published it but they deleted it without indicating the reason. I installed CyberPanel 2 with OpenLiteSpeed in DigitalOcean, I have a standard droplet of 12vCPU and 48Gb of...
  9. derzz

    Web server 404 at times

    Hello, I installed CyberPanel 2 with OLS in DigitalOcean, I have a Standard Droplet of 12vCPUs and 48Gb of RAM with ubuntu 18 I have a wordpress installed and LSCache configured, but my site is crashing at times and showing error 404 and I have to restart Litespeed to get it working again. I...
  10. aboyit

    Hi everyone, I am having 404 errors on my website, looking forward to helping.

    All my vps use wordpress cms, I have the code of 1 wordpress page, but after I upload the hosting configuration, only the homepage and page are still active. Writing and product error 404. My code has a .htaccess file with content # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>...