
  1. webdevelopland

    [Resolved] Out of memory: wasm memory

    I have ubuntu server using nodejs. The whole server basically is just one js file called `app.js` app.js works with google storage and there's something strange happens. When I run app.js by ssh terminal, everything work great. But when the same code is run by OpenLiteSpeed as VHost context...
  2. kvv213

    Advices for settings for low ram settings

    Hi All! Could you please advice what settings shall I check in order to make work OLS with 1Gb VPS? Wordpress (plus some static) + MariaDB + LSPHP 7.4 All the settings are almost default. I was trying to change some settings but without any success. At rush hours VPS ran out of RAM and or...
  3. J

    mmap() failed: [12] Cannot allocate memory

    Hi Just moved to OpenLiteSpeed and I'm seeing an error occur many times in the stderr.log file. The system seems to have plenty of memory available so think this might be related to a server setting. Could anyone point me the right direction to where that might be? mmap() failed: [12] Cannot...
  4. M

    High memory consumption in lsphp to generate SSL certificate

    Hi! I did several and several tests and I don't know how to proceed anymore. I have a webserver using aaPanel + OLS v. 1.6.5. Everything works perfectly. My problem appears when I need generate SSL certificate. I realize that when I generate a certificate for a new website, the server load...