openlitespeed cache

  1. pikaa

    Why my website load twinks? is my website name. My website has been having a problem for quite some time. Whenever a new user opens my website, my website loads two to three times on his device. I think this problem is happening due to the LiteSpeed plugin, please tell us any solution for this.
  2. Aaditya-Goenka

    Wordpress Multisite issue

    Unable to set up multisite wp-admin from the wp-login for subsites is not working unable to access the dashboard or anything for the subsites. .htacess file -> GNU nano 7.2 .htaccess *...
  3. W

    How to find optimum configuration in php.ini on openlitespeed

    I want to increase performance on pagespeed insights, but the problem is I don't know how to use all capacity of hardware on this server ! and I need your help please. I think litespeed not using all capacitis in my server because my memory and cpu are free and performance is not so good. Our...
  4. P

    How to Active Memcached to Redis?

    I use Openlite Speed web server in my website and my website name is Picasso App. My website has a default Memcached set and whenever I am setting up from Memcached to Redis some error is showing on my website, how can I fix it?
  5. S

    When on Openlitespeed, all websites showing host errors but when I switch to Litespeed Enterprise 15 days trial, websites come up and are running

    Websites opening normally on LiteSpeed Enterprise but but are not on Openlitespeed. I always get the error code 521. This started after I updated cyberpanel using the sh <(curl || wget -O -...
  6. K

    Health Issue [The optional module, intl, is not installed, or has been disabled.]

    sir this problem shows on my website (The optional module, intl, is not installed, or has been disabled) My PHP Version is 8.1.14 (Supports 64bit values). I am this code applies (install) but does not solve the problem Code: apt-get update apt-get install lsphp80-intl -y killall lsphp
  7. K

    cache Issue [Page cache is not detected but the server response time is OK]

    my all wordpress site show this problem: Page cache is not detected but the server response time is OK Page cache enhances the speed and performance of your site by saving and serving static pages instead of calling for a page every time a user visits. Page cache is detected by looking for an...
  8. K

    Page Cache Problem

    Our website is having this problem and how to fix it. Page cache enhances the speed and performance of your site by saving and serving static pages instead of calling for a page every time a user visits. Page cache is detected by looking for an active page cache plugin as well as making three...
  9. K

    Which is Batter OpenLiteSpeed WP Plugin vs WP Rocket

    Pikashow APK In this URL, I activated by installing the OpenLiteSpeed WP plugin, after which my page speed score has come to only 65+ but when we used the WP Rocket plugin on the same page after which the page speed score 80+ is coming. Now we don't know which plugin to use. I'm also using...
  10. H

    Unable to export whole database

    Hi, I am trying to export a mysql database from phpmyadmin which is 200mb, but when I export it only downloads 30mb Any suggestion will be appreciated, how do I download the whole database? "The size of dynamic response body is over the limit, response is truncated by web server. The limit is...
  11. M

    LSCache without plugin problem

    Hi everyone, right now I using LSCache wihout plugin but facing some problem, example if I have two page link like below 1. 2. this two page result will cache as same page, how do I separate this two page as different cache ...
  12. G

    WP admin bar disappearing as if public cache page is being served

    Running OLS with Cyperpanel on Ubuntu 20.04. Wordpress websites with LSCache enabled. The WP admin bar disappears on both of my websites after some time, as if the public cached page is getting served instead of the private cache page. This only started to happen today. Any advice on how to...
  13. T

    Wordpress Cache Plugin

    Having issues with LiteSpeed Cache plugin and WooCommerce cart. You can add items to the cart but once you visit a page that has been cached via the LiteSpeed cache, the cart will show up empty again. This seem to be an issue with the session state and the cache. When we disable the LiteSpeed...
  14. bhanusingh

    How do I purge cahce for some custom data that I show ?

    I have a Digital Ocean Server, with openlitespeed droplet installed on it. I also have installed the litespeed plugin in my WordPress install. This is a custom woocommerce project where people come and buy meetings which are time-sensitive events. I am facing issues with able to cache my code...
  15. pavan061994

    WordPress Errors regarding Redirection Rules and WP-Rocket Cache.

    Hi, I recently shifted my WordPress website to Litespeed server from Apache - Sysberto[dot]com Issue 1: I had changed my Permalinks from Year/Month to /Post way long and added the redirection from Yoast Permalinks Helper too but now it's not working.. "Rewrite...
  16. cloudrider

    Setting up high performance WP+Woocommerce site on OLS

    Hi everyone, So I recently setup a new Cyberpanel installation on GCP cloud but didn’t noticed any performance improvement compared to other providers, I intend to use it for my Woocommerce based site. As I read most of the WordPress managed hosting providers use GCP + Nginx setup for their...
  17. I

    OLS Cache Module/LScache does not work

    Hello! I just installed OLS Web Server and LScache following the official guidelines, but the cache did not work for me. My stack is: VPS -> CentOS 7 (Updated) -> OLS (1.4.41) -> MariaDB 10.1 -> PHP7.2 (lsphp72 lsphp72-common lsphp72-mysqlnd lsphp72-gd lsphp72-process...