
  1. W

    How to find optimum configuration in php.ini on openlitespeed

    I want to increase performance on pagespeed insights, but the problem is I don't know how to use all capacity of hardware on this server ! and I need your help please. I think litespeed not using all capacitis in my server because my memory and cpu are free and performance is not so good. Our...
  2. A

    Openlitespeed setting is reflecting very late

    Hi , I have installed ols on ubuntu 16 with one click bash script. Installed wordpress , it is working fine as expected. but when i am changing custom php ini in PHPRC=/usr/local/lsws/ . it is reflecting but taking very long time around 30-40 min. even though i have...
  3. R

    Wordpress Wordfence .user.ini / auto_append_file

    Hi All, I use wordfence to protect my wordpress site. One of the functions is It checks the code before executing it. It does this by appending a file called .user.ini. In litespeed enterprise it just picks up the .user.ini file and wordfence works. in OLS it didnt pick the file up so i put...
  4. Ivan Rojas

    PHPmyAdmin - file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP

    Hi, First of all i need to say that i like OLS, im new, im coming from WHM Centos, this is my first experiment with wordpress/centos 7 because im looking for speed for low traffic websites. I did the installation of OLS via "one click", everything works fine with a wordpress pre installed...