Cannot upload anything higher than 89Mb to WordPress

I've tried everything, from Open Lite Speed tweaking to PHP tweaking to WordPress tweaking.

I am managing a hosting business which didn't gave me much trouble up until now.

My hosting is based on Ryzen 5 5600 servers with 64GB and NVME drives. Servers are minimally loaded because I want to provide a powerful, fast and premium service to all my customers. I do not employ any kind of resource limitations and the server load is below 2.00 most of the time.

Everything runs fine by means of the Webuzo control panel + Softaculous + Open Lite Speed. Nothing else is being used and the server does not include emails so it is basically a webserver for WordPress.

The only problem I'm facing is that no matter what I do... I cannot upload files larger than 89MB to the WordPress Media Gallery because the file simply won't even start. It gets stuck there forever.

Files of about 70Mb uploads fine but then they take a very big amount of time to reflect as uploaded.

I already tried tweaking Open Lite Speed cache, Memory Limits and since the server has tons of RAM I could increase the Buffer IO size to 512Mb. PHP on the other hand I already increased all limits, but, no matter what I do, any file larger than 90MB won't upload at all and will get stuck forever.

I've recently tried this on my new provisioned server: Almalinux 9.4 + Webuzo + Softaculous, nothing else installed, no customers yet. I've simply created a test account, installed a single WordPress instance and empty as it was I've tried to upload a file and the same thing happens.

Is there any way to make this work?.

Any clue on this would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to find anything useful over the internet, other than advice to tweak PHP.


Is it possible to share a phpinfo page link? Any issue shown in the error log during the upload with a file that is larger than 90MB?
Stupid Cloudflare was the issue. As soon as I've disabled the DNS proxy all started working again. They limit all the uploads to 99MB and anything longer than that and it will simply drop the connection and I had no indication from the webserver that something was happening.