Chown warning on installation

I was installing OLS using the deb repository on Ubuntu 24.04 when I received the falling warning.

chown: warning: '.' should be ':': ‘lsadm.lsadm’
chown: warning: '.' should be ':': ‘lsadm.lsadm’
I took a quick look inside the deb for OLS 1.7.19 and found the following in the postinst file.

chown lsadm.lsadm $sslcert; chmod 400 $sslcert;
chown lsadm.lsadm $sslkey; chmod 400 $sslkey;
I am not sure if this is the only instance of it though.


The issue should have been addressed with the latest package. To update to the latest, you can use apt update and upgrade the package.