I am using the below in my script but always getting an error. Are modules valid? The same is working for CentOS but not debian. Please guide.
LSPHPVAL is my lsphp versions
#$COMMAND install $LSPHPVAL $LSPHPVAL-common $LSPHPVAL-mysqlnd $LSPHPVAL-process $LSPHPVAL-gd $LSPHPVAL-mbstring $LSPHPVAL-soap $LSPHPVAL-mcrypt $LSPHPVAL-opcache $LSPHPVAL-bcmath $LSPHPVAL-pdo $LSPHPVAL-xml $LSPHPVAL-json $LSPHPVAL-zip $LSPHPVAL-xmlrpc $LSPHPVAL-pecl-mcrypt $LSPHPVAL-ioncube $LSPHPVAL-intl $LSPHPVAL-curl $LSPHPVAL-recode $LSPHPVAL-memcached $LSPHPVAL-tidy $LSPHPVAL-imap -y
I am using the below in my script but always getting an error. Are modules valid? The same is working for CentOS but not debian. Please guide.
LSPHPVAL is my lsphp versions
#$COMMAND install $LSPHPVAL $LSPHPVAL-common $LSPHPVAL-mysqlnd $LSPHPVAL-process $LSPHPVAL-gd $LSPHPVAL-mbstring $LSPHPVAL-soap $LSPHPVAL-mcrypt $LSPHPVAL-opcache $LSPHPVAL-bcmath $LSPHPVAL-pdo $LSPHPVAL-xml $LSPHPVAL-json $LSPHPVAL-zip $LSPHPVAL-xmlrpc $LSPHPVAL-pecl-mcrypt $LSPHPVAL-ioncube $LSPHPVAL-intl $LSPHPVAL-curl $LSPHPVAL-recode $LSPHPVAL-memcached $LSPHPVAL-tidy $LSPHPVAL-imap -y