I am new here and i have a question for limited directory access after change from Apache to OLS.
On my old Apache webserver i had a .htacces file in a subdirectory like:
order deny,allow
allow from
allow from
deny from all
How can i this realice with openlitespped 1.4.28 ? I have searched in Googe but have not found some tip.
I also have to limit directory access (a specific directory on the webserver) with username and password.
hataccess file was like
AuthName "Restricted"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/somedirectory/.htpasswd
require valid-user
Thank you for help me.
I am new here and i have a question for limited directory access after change from Apache to OLS.
On my old Apache webserver i had a .htacces file in a subdirectory like:
order deny,allow
allow from
allow from
deny from all
How can i this realice with openlitespped 1.4.28 ? I have searched in Googe but have not found some tip.
I also have to limit directory access (a specific directory on the webserver) with username and password.
hataccess file was like
AuthName "Restricted"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/somedirectory/.htpasswd
require valid-user
Thank you for help me.