Document root outside lsw

I am having a problem when I point the root document out of the lsws folder to point it to an NFS drive. The root document is pointed in "/mnt/nfs1/HTML" and in that html folder is where I am mounting the NFS disk, but when I want to open an index.html it gives me error 403, I have checked all the permissions and the problem should come that when mounting the nfs in htmlfolder it automatically puts the user/group in 430302 and I can't change them since I don't have permissions because de ISP put this user/group. Is there any way to tell openlitespeed that I can access that folder.

Thanks a lot


New Member
Have you tried setting Virtual Hosts > > General > Security to DocRoot UID mode?

Perhaps consider mounting to /mnt/nfs1/lsws and set Base > Default Virtual Host Root to /mnt/nfs1/lsws/ and Base2 > Document Root > $VH_ROOT/html/ then you might be able to chown the permissions of the /mnt/nfs1/lsws/ and html/ directories.