Error installing Imagick and Memcached for Openlitespeed on Almalinux 9.4


On a fresh Almalinux 9.4 I installed Openlitespeed, but when I try to install lsphp 8.2 all other packages install fine except for imagick and memcached.

This is the command I used:

dnf install -y lsphp82 lsphp82-common lsphp82-bcmath lsphp82-dba lsphp82-gd lsphp82-intl lsphp82-json lsphp82-mbstring lsphp82-mysqlnd lsphp82-opcache lsphp82-soap lsphp82-zip lsphp82-xml lsphp82-sodium lsphp82-pecl-imagick lsphp82-pecl-memcached

and this is the error I got:

Error: Problem 1: conflicting requests - nothing provides ImageMagick(x86-64) >= 7.1.0 needed by lsphp82-pecl-imagick-3.7.0-4.el9.8.2.x86_64 from litespeed-update Problem 2: conflicting requests - nothing provides needed by lsphp82-pecl-memcached-3.2.0-4.el9.8.2.x86_64 from litespeed-update - nothing provides needed by lsphp82-pecl-memcached-3.2.0-4.el9.8.2.x86_64 from litespeed-update - nothing provides needed by lsphp82-pecl-memcached-3.2.0-4.el9.8.2.x86_64 from litespeed-update - nothing provides libmemcached-libs needed by lsphp82-pecl-memcached-3.2.0-4.el9.8.2.x86_64 from litespeed-update(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

Thank you for any help