Howdy. Really, really sorry I haven't been paying attention to this forum. I'm a basshole.
Y'all are right about moving the php.ini files. I'm really confused, though, as to why your php.ini is affecting your compression of static files. Maybe I'm missing something (I often am)...
I thought about this for a while and the only thing I can think of is this: When you set something up to be compressed, the first time you serve it it won't be compressed. It gets compressed while it is getting served the first time. This means that it is only compressed from the second time you serve it. Is it possible that you tested html once, it wasn't compressed, then you tested it again (after changing php.ini) and it was. Then you tested the text/css and text/* settings each once?
That's what I have for now... If you can tell me the exact settings, maybe the error is there...