Having trouble installing Symantec Encryption Everywhere SLL certificate from name.com on OpenLiteSpeed WordPress on DigitalOcean


New Member
I did everything below, and my certificate is still not activated. What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance!
  1. I created an OpenLiteSpeed WordPress droplet on DigitalOcean.
  2. I activated the Symantec Encryption Everywhere SSL certificate for my domain on name.com. (I don't think they are offering Let's Encrypt certificates.)
  3. I generated the private key and CSR certificates on OpenLiteSpeed server using openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout domain_tld.key -out domain_tld.csr
  4. I moved the domain_tld.key and domain_tld.csr to /etc/ssl
  5. I entered the domain_tld.csr value into the activation screen on name.com
  6. Name.com issued my Symantec Encryption Everywhere certificate, which includes the SERVER CERTIFICATE, INTERMEDIATE and ROOT CA CERTIFICATES.
  7. I copied and pasted SERVER CERTIFICATE to domain_tld.crt and uploaded to /etc/ssl
  8. I activated my OpenLiteSpeed 1.6.12 WebAdmin Console
    1. I went to Listeners
    2. Clicked on wordpressssl port 443 listener
    3. Referenced Private Key File as /etc/ssl/domain_tld.key
    4. Referenced Certificate File as /etc/ssl/domain_tld.crt