High CPU usage in 1.7.19?

From the releases page, I see you just pushed new files 2 days ago. But instead of creating a new version, it seems you updated to the version 1.7.19, which was released 3 weeks ago?

In the change log, there is a bug fix for high CPU usage. Is this bug appearing in 1.7.19? Or in older versions? I am asking because in the last few days, I have been trying to debug and find out the reason for high CPU usage in one account, but still very confused. Yesterday, when I downgraded to 1.7.18, suddenly the problem seemed to disappear.

If the bug is in 1.7.19, can I know more details of that bug? How can I know it's affecting to my customer? The account I am mentioning is a WooCommerce site, with several WooCommerce plugins.

Thank you.


It was introduced with v1.7.19 and has been fixed with v1.7.19 build 2. If you installed it from the LiteSpeed repo, then you can run the package update to have the new version installed.
I am on DirectAdmin servers, don't think that I should update OLS manually. When are you pushing build 2 to github, please?