How is it possible to have Http/3 working with Cloudflare?
I already have enabled http/3 on Cloudflare.
Did some test with https://gf.dev/http3-test with www.chilevapo.cl and the site says http/3 is compatible.
But when doing https://http3check.net/?host=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chilevapo.cl it says "Server does not advertise any alternative services.".
UDP ports are open to send and receive over 443.
Quic is enbled on WebAdmin on every 3 levels.
What else can I do or try?
How is it possible to have Http/3 working with Cloudflare?
I already have enabled http/3 on Cloudflare.
Did some test with https://gf.dev/http3-test with www.chilevapo.cl and the site says http/3 is compatible.
But when doing https://http3check.net/?host=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.chilevapo.cl it says "Server does not advertise any alternative services.".
UDP ports are open to send and receive over 443.
Quic is enbled on WebAdmin on every 3 levels.
What else can I do or try?