How to install ionCube 13 in PHP 8.1??


New Member
Hello! All good?

I'm new here.
How do I install ioncube 13 on PHP 8.1 with OpenLiteSpeed in CyberPanel?
My operating system is Ubuntu 22.04.

I have a module on my website that only works with ioncube 13.

I'm new to servers. I need more detailed help on how to do this step by step.

Thank you all.




New Member
Hi, thanks for the reply!
I don't think I can update the packages, I'm not very experienced in command lines yet with something advanced. I know how to use command lines for something more basic. Do you have an estimate of when the update will be released on the system? Once ioncube 13 is available on the system, how do I update?
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New Member
Oh yes I understand. When will it be launched? Do you have a prediction? Unfortunately, there are some new plugins or modules that are not compatible with ioncube 12.

I use these commands to update packages:
$ apt update
$ apt install lsphp81-ioncube


My operating system is Ubuntu 22.04.

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Any update plans??
Please, we need ioncube 13 on OpenliteSpeed urgently, as ioncube 13 has already been released in August 2023, there are some new plugins that only work on ioncube 13. Thank you very much in advance!