How to set a new MimeType with special characters + or @ # | etc.....

Hi there,
on a particular project I need to use a mime type which contains special characters in its extension,

That's just a random example below :

AddType text/html .htm#
AddType text/html .hif+

it works out of the box with Apache using .htaccess, but I am unable to set it up using a > Static > Context
Do I need to add a Default Charset? Or have a special > Server configuration > conf/ ?

Anywhere I insert a special character, I get either an error or it lets me add it but the type is not taken into consideration and stays with :
content-type : application/octet-stream instead of the correct type, even why using the Force MIME Type.

So not sure what to do?
Thank you


OLS doesn't support
AddType text/html .htm#
AddType text/html .hif+

OLS only support rewrite rules in .htaccess

You can try to add to conf/