How To Set Openlitespeed with a DEFAULT WEBSITE (A host record)

I am starting a new project and I am looking to do load balancing...

I want to create multiple ec2 instances with openlitespeed with aws load balancer...

How do I set one website to be a default website on openlitespeed?

My Cloudflare will be pointing an A RECORD to my load balancer IP address... which is perfectly working...

However, my load balancer has 2 ec2 instances and I am not able to set a default website...

I am actually using cyberpanel + openlitespeed... so it is easier to manage...


How do I set one website to be a default website on openlitespeed?
When you said "default" web site, how do you access it? or IP? setup on backend server on OLS should be easy. You will need to setup your AWS loadbalancer to point to your backend? How? While it is a question for AWS, you should check was load balancer documentation on how to point to the backend, it should not be hard.