how to setup reCaptcha (huge server load)

Hi everyone
I'm faced with huge load on one of the sites hosted on a 24 core CPU/128 GB RAM server running freshly installed CyberPanel with OLS 1.6.18
Number of total requests for that domain are in millions
Site is run by WordPress and it's nowhere near that popular. It has LSCache plugin installed and I'm getting 'x-litespeed-cache hit' in browsers private mode so the cache is, indeed, working.
Server's Load Average is almost always 30+.

So far I've tried:
- enabling 'Im Under Attack' in CloudFlare
- setting PHP_LSAPI_MAX_REQUESTS=10000 in that domain's VHosts config
- setting Per Client Throttling in Server Configuration
and nothing seam to help.

Now I want to try reCaptcha so I've enabled reCaptcha on a server level and I've tried adding v2 Checkbox reCaptcha to VHost level but the reCaptcha Analytics is showing 0 hits.
Also, under the tab it says 'The server level site/secret key pair must be configured to skip domain checking if the server manages multiple domains. Otherwise, the reCAPTCHA verification will not work properly.'
But how to set reCaptcha to skip domain checking when reCaptcha configuration requires a domain name?
Please help

Mybe it's important to point out that the site is actually a subdomain



Do you see many lsphp processes from the `top` command output? Possible to share a snapshot?
Please check the output of the connection numbers
netstat -nat | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
Also, please decrease the number of PHP_LSAPI_MAX_REQUESTS, 10000 is way too high.