Litespeed on Google cloud platform

Hi. Today I have received an email from Google

LiteSpeed Technologies has provided the additional following information on this deprecation and how to migrate your workload, and their contact information:
A new build OpenLiteSpeed WordPress image has been published on the marketplace. See Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
You can continue using openlitespeed--wordpress until March 10th, 2024 and LiteSpeed Technologies will continue to offer you support during this time.

My question is: I don't want to install the new version. Can I continue using the current version even after march 10th 2024?

My website is very big and I don't have the time to update.



It's a GCP system issue.
We are building a new version of the OpenLiteSpeed WordPress image, and it will be published in the marketplace soon.
I am not a very technical person. I have my website deployed on the deprecated image. How can I migrate it to the newly built OpenLiteSpeed with Wordpress.


You can simply update system packages on the origin server, e.g. "apt update && apt upgrade -y". Otherwise, you can launch a new server, and migrate the data from the old server to the new one.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for the prompt response. Migrating the data would be a lot of work which I cannot afford with my limited technical knowledge. I used "apt update && apt upgrade -y" and the upgrade is done with the package "litespeed 1.7.19 -2+focal" My question is I do not know if the image will still stop working after april 24 or not. How do I check it?
Thanks for the support again.