LSCache caching functions on this page are currently unavailable!

hello my WordPress website display: LSCache caching functions on this page are currently unavailable!
this website uses OpenLiteSpeed as a reverse proxy the backend is an Apache server when I install the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress it displays " WARNING
LSCache caching functions on this page are currently unavailable! To use the caching functions you must have a LiteSpeed web server or be using CDN. "
I have checked the FAQ page but have not been able to get an answer.

My other WordPress website also uses OpenLiteSpeed as a reverse proxy, and an Apache server as the backend but it runs well. I have checked the two websites and servers Same environment, and the same Settings.

I don't know what's wrong. Can someone give me a little help?
thank you very much!
Is it possible to share the site link or the response header? You can also inbox me if you want to keep the link private.
thank you for your reply.
I have solved the problem.
add this code to apache2.conf

SetEnv LSWS_EDITION Openlitespeed

<IfModule Litespeed>
CacheEngine on crawler