I tried to install new packages from the repository unfortunately nothing new there...
(Ubuntu 16.04)
first I did apt-get update and later the following...
root@vm3:~# apt-get install lsphp56-*
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-mcrypt' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-gmp' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-curl' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-pgsql' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-ldap' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-mysqlnd' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-imap' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-intl' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-odbc' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-snmp' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-gd' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-xsl' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-mysql' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-xmlrpc' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-enchant' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-pspell' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-sqlite' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-recode' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-tidy' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-dbg' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
Note, selecting 'lsphp56-dev' for glob 'lsphp56-*'
The following packages will be upgraded:
lsphp56-curl lsphp56-dbg lsphp56-dev lsphp56-enchant lsphp56-gd lsphp56-gmp lsphp56-imap lsphp56-intl lsphp56-ldap lsphp56-mcrypt lsphp56-mysql lsphp56-odbc lsphp56-pgsql lsphp56-pspell lsphp56-recode lsphp56-snmp lsphp56-sqlite lsphp56-tidy lsphp56-xmlrpc
20 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 19 not upgraded.