"No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock."


Active Member
If I keep refreshing my website home page in a browser, I end up getting a 520 error from Cloudflare and I see the message in my server.log file:
No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
Any news on this. I'm getting:
No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.


As mentioned in the log, there was no request delivery notification received from the LSAPI. This means that the PHP process got hung up on something.

In order to properly diagnose the issue, please try the following steps:

- Turn on debug logging for OLS.
- run 'top' in a terminal. Once it is up and running, try forcing the error to occur. If you see 'lsphp' at the very top using 100% cpu, it is likely a bug in the php script causing it to loop infinitely.
- run strace on the lsphp processes.
  1. In a terminal, type ps aux | grep lsphp
  2. The first number after the username is the process IDs.
  3. run strace with the process IDs. ex strace -p 1402 -p 1403 -p 1404 -p 1405 for if I have four lsphp processes with pids 1402-1405.
  4. Try to force the issue again.
  5. Once the issue occurs, check to make sure that all the processes are still outputting. If one is no longer printing, it is likely stuck on a system call, which caused the debug message.
If neither of these options was the issue, could you please send us the debug log? By default, it is at $SERVER_ROOT/error.log
If you don't want to attach the debug log here, you may send it to support@litespeedtech.com


Active Member
Looking at my server logs, I have not experienced the "No request delivery notification" message since 11/14. I unfortunately do not know what I changed at that point that may have made a difference. My shell history does not go that far back. I don't see any server restart between the 12th and the 17th. I will write an update if I figure out anything, or if the messages come back.