Not seeing new RPMS for OLS v1.7.18

Also, I can't figure out the criteria for posting the new/updated RPMs in
  1. Index of /centos/9/x86_64/RPMS/
  2. Index of /centos/9/update/x86_64/RPMS/
Right now they seem to be organised correctly for new stuff, but previously some updated stuff was in one directory while other updated stuff was in the other directory.

Why not create a full dnf installer process and make it work with upstream Fedora and then it will also work with all the downstream stuff that is in flux because of Red Hat's new processes?

While I prefer the 1-Click, you don't seem to support it universally (like not on ARM) and last time I used it there still was a long time bug with the MariaDB key.

With Fedora, I can maintain Mariadb with the built in DNF.



The build will be ready this week. Feel free to check it again after a few days.
I remember fedora support the yum command, what's the current issue with the ols1clk on the fedora system?
In order to test Fedora with ols1clk, I will have to make a special VM for it because when it fails it scatters stuff everywhere and then the VM is not really usable. I will give it a shot in a few days.

But the OLS repository is not Fedora compatible.

I installed Fedora with the RPMs uploaded and I had to add few other RPMs. All but one of those were in Fedora compatible repositories, if my memory is correct. I think the manual rpm came from Remi.

With this OLS upgrade now available I will try to see how to install it. I succeeded previous using the RPM but maybe I will try the CLI first.

I just installed ols1clk on Alma 9.x. I used the RHEL repositories to install mariadb but didn't set it up.
The ols1clk installer sees mariadb and configures the WP database as instructed by the ols1clk parameters.


HIHI @mac2net

So I tried the source install method, and it works on Fedora38.

And I did another test, changing the /etc/os-release with the following content.

Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight)
[root@fedora38-ols-el opt]# cat /etc/os-release
NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="8 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8 (Core)"

Then install Remi, OLS, and PHP, and it works with RPM!!
yum update -y
dnf install -y
sudo wget -O - | sudo bash
yum install openlitespeed -y
yum install lsphp81 lsphp81-common -y

service lsws status
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status lsws.service
● lshttpd.service - OpenLiteSpeed HTTP Server
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/lshttpd.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
    Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-08-16 07:41:23 UTC; 9min ago
If you don't want to change the os-release, you can download and change it to treat fedora as centos 8.
Thanks for this. Just to be 100% clear, I just need to add 'fedora' to line 35 like below?
I notice there is code to add the Epel repo(s) which would be superfluous for Fedora. Will the shell script be able to handle that?

if [ "${REPO_OS}" = 'centos' ] || [ "${REPO_OS}" = 'rhel' ] || [ "${REPO_OS}" = 'rocky' ] || [ "${REPO_OS}" = 'almalinux' ] 
|| [ "${REPO_OS}" = 'oracle' ] || [ "${REPO_OS}" = 'redhat' ] || [ "${REPO_OS}" = 'fedora' ] || [ "${REPO_OS}" = 'virtuozzo' ] 
|| [ "${REPO_OS}" = 'cloudlinux' ] ; then

I also checked the
I see it verifies the OS by checking to see if for example the following exits: /etc/redhat-release —> /etc/almalinux-release.
Since for Fedora it's a dead link anyway it seem it would be ok to use the alma file for this. Whaddya think?

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Fedora is a non-lts so new versions are every ~6 months like non-LTS Ubuntu which we do not support due to no resources to maintain it.

I added it to my test repo, feel free to give it a try.

bash <( curl -sk )
Thanks. I will give this a test.

Regarding support for Fedora, this is a philosophical conversation and needs to be examined along with the goals of the Litespeed project.

Right now, Apache and Nginx are universally supported out of the box on, I assume, on all Linux distros and even MacOS. So while LS might think its target market are cloud providers of one type or another, I would guess that there is familiarity with these two choices by potential customers. The lack of exposure because of this slows down OLS/LS penetration. You are mostly relying on cloud providers. That is how I heard about it.

OLS/LS is not at all easy to install for users. There are too many choices, processes are bifurcated on Linux and CPU platforms. Where available, 1-Click is great, but intimidating to configure for a newbie. And installing MariaDB directly instead of through the Fedora/Rhel repositories is a no-no. I reviewed the script yesterday and noticed that MariaDB RPMs were used at one time. Since 1-Click can tell if Maria is already present, I would suggest removing MariaDB from 1-click and instead suggesting it is installed prior to OLS but OLS will take care of the config.

While an OLS Docker/Podman container even works directly on my ARM Mac, containers are not easy to setup properly (with external directories for WP, custom domains, etc) and there are no docs available to help with this. While I could setup OLS on my Mac quicker than it takes me to write this post, there is not much I could do with that container.

The difficulties installing OLS undermine one of it's biggest advantages – ease of administration through it's Admin client.

I'm not a fan of Ubuntu. IMO, it's old, slow to innovate and rigid. Fedora OTH = IBM. Fedora is cutting edge. Also multiple releases of Fedora feed into a singular release of the RHEL stuff. Once it works on Fedora, it's gonna work with little effort on the RHEL platform. OLS could be available upstream but recommended for downstream.

And of course there are big changes happening and probably more to come for the Fedora—> downstream path. More and more people are moving from the Debian/Ubuntu side to Fedora, apart from the Debian ideologues.

One last point. The Fedora stream is pushing Cockpit for admin. While Cockpit has been around for a while, there have been big changes in the last few months, including upgrading to python and it has removed the dependency for a special open port instead now also using SSH. While porting over OLS/LS admin to a Cockpit add-on is probably a big project, the benefits would be exposure to a very large market. OpenVPN has an add-on that involves upsell to paid services built right into its Cockpit add-on, although testing this right now requires an effort to find all the parts.

Why is Cockpit so important? Because it is far superior to Webmin and with fibre becoming ubiquitous, there is great potential in the self-hosting market.

Personally, I use Fedora server w/o a GUI on metal and for production I use OLS on Alma in a VM.

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