OpenLiteSpeed 1.8.1 - Dedicated Server Optimal Config

Hello everybody,
As i'm extremely new to OLS, please give me some recommendation regarding running a single large woo wholesale website with membership on Debian11.
My server is Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz, 8 cores
32GB Ram
I'm getting this errors in stderr.log
openlitespeed Reached max children process limit: 60, extra: 0, current: 60, busy: 59, please increase LSAPI_CHILDREN
I have changed the limit to 120
My current OLS config are as follows:

Server Configuration > General
General1.png General2.png

Server Configuration > Tuning
tunning1.png tunning2.png tunning3.png

Server Configuration > Security
Security1.png Security2.png

Server Configuration > External App


detailed lsphp
External-App-lsphp1.png External-App-lsphp2.png

i will add a new post with the rest of the photos as i'm able to upload only 10 photos
Last edited:
detailed lsphp74
External-App-lsphp74-1.png External-App-lsphp74-2.png

Server Configuration > App Server
App-Server1.png App-Server2.png

Server Configuration > Modules

the only issue i had on production until now is the "Reached max children process limit", however as i'm extremely new on OLS and was using LAMP since many many years ago, i want to ask an OLS guru a recommendation regarding using it for a single large website.

Thank you in advance for the time taken to look into this


Next time, you can just share the content of the config file(/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf), which should be much easier.
1. Please try to restart the web server a few more times and see if it helps.
2. Do you have any virtual host-level lsphp settings?
Next time, you can just share the content of the config file(/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf), which should be much easier.
1. Please try to restart the web server a few more times and see if it helps.
2. Do you have any virtual host-level lsphp settings?
2. No settings on virtual host, only logs settings and files location.

How about the settings that i've made so far based that its a single website running under a dedicated server ?

Thank you again for your time