Openlitespeed bug CCSS not working


New Member

Attached is my log i am runnning latest version on google cloud wordpress openlitespeed image.

No matter what i do, in background ON/OFF the critical CSS wont generate.

How i generated the log:
enable advance debug log to all IPs , then purge all , purge CCSS , and access the home page , then copying the debug log

[contents of debug log deleted by request - LC]
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New Member
I also found webp is not working correctly

[debug log deleted by request - LC]
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Hi @llve ,

Could you please check if there are any CSS files inside wp-content/cache/ccss ? If yes, what are their contents?

Regarding the WebP, the replacements seem to be working correctly, It is replacing correctly for the images which have a WebP version generated and bypassing those who do not have WebP, You should check your Media LIbrary and see if all those images listed in the logs above have a WebP version, If not, you'll need to re-optimize them.


New Member
Please delete this entire post especially my log above thanks, it started working again all by itself. It isnt very reliable function i think as this is the 10th time