OpenLiteSpeed Configuration For 1 GB Ram

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

I have a question, how do I optimize the performance of OpenLiteSpeed on 1GB Ram?
This is my OpenLiteSpeed configuration which may need to be tweaked to optimize it, thanks!


#It not set, will use host name as serverName
user www
group                            nogroup
priority                         0
autoRestart                      1
chrootPath                       /
enableChroot                     0
inMemBufSize                     60M
swappingDir                      /tmp/lshttpd/swap
autoFix503                       1
gracefulRestartTimeout           300
mime                             conf/
showVersionNumber                0
adminEmails                      root@localhost
indexFiles                       index.html, index.php
disableWebAdmin                  0

errorlog logs/error.log {
        logLevel             DEBUG
        debugLevel           0
        rollingSize 10M
        enableStderrLog      1
accessLog logs/access.log {
        rollingSize 10M
        keepDays             30   
        compressArchive      0
        logReferer           1     
        logUserAgent         1
expires {
    enableExpires           1
    expiresByType           image/*=A604800,text/css=A604800,application/x-javascript=A604800,application/javascript=A604800,font/*=A604800,application/x-font-ttf=A604800

    maxConnections 10000
    maxSSLConnections 10000
    connTimeout 300
    maxKeepAliveReq 10000
    smartKeepAlive               0
    keepAliveTimeout             5
    sndBufSize                   0
    rcvBufSize                   0
    gzipStaticCompressLevel      6
    gzipMaxFileSize              10M
    eventDispatcher              best
    maxCachedFileSize            4096
    totalInMemCacheSize          20M
    maxMMapFileSize              256K
    totalMMapCacheSize           40M
    useSendfile                  1
    fileETag                     28
    SSLCryptoDevice              null
    maxReqURLLen                 32768
    maxReqHeaderSize             65536
    maxReqBodySize               2047M
    maxDynRespHeaderSize         32768
    maxDynRespSize               2047M
    enableGzipCompress 1
    enableBrCompress             4
    enableDynGzipCompress        1
    gzipCompressLevel 6
    brStaticCompressLevel        6
    compressibleTypes            default
    gzipAutoUpdateStatic         1
    gzipMinFileSize              300
    quicEnable                   1
    quicShmDir                   /dev/shm

    dir                  /
    dir                  /etc/*
    dir                  /dev/*
    dir                  conf/*
    dir                  admin/conf/*

    followSymbolLink                            1
    checkSymbolLink                             0
    requiredPermissionMask                      000
    restrictedPermissionMask                    000

    staticReqPerSec                          0
    dynReqPerSec                             0
    outBandwidth                             0
    inBandwidth                              0
    softLimit                                10000
    hardLimit                                10000
    gracePeriod                              15
    banPeriod                                300

    maxCGIInstances                         20
    minUID                                  11
    minGID                                  10
    priority                                0
    CPUSoftLimit                            10
    CPUHardLimit                            50
    memSoftLimit                            1460M
    memHardLimit                            1470M
    procSoftLimit                           400
    procHardLimit                           450
    allow                                   ALL
extProcessor lsphp{
    type                            lsapi
    address                         uds://tmp/lshttpd/lsphp.sock
    maxConns                        10
    env                             PHP_LSAPI_CHILDREN=10
    env                             LSAPI_AVOID_FORK=200M
    initTimeout                     60
    retryTimeout                    0
    persistConn                     1
    respBuffer                      0
    autoStart                       1
    path                            fcgi-bin/lsphp
    backlog                         100
    instances                       1
    priority                        0
    memSoftLimit                    2047M
    memHardLimit                    2047M
    procSoftLimit                   1400
    procHardLimit                   1500

    add lsapi:lsphp  php

    binPath                  /usr/bin/ruby
    railsEnv                 1
    maxConns                 1
    env                      LSAPI_MAX_IDLE=60
    initTimeout              60
    retryTimeout             0
    pcKeepAliveTimeout       60
    respBuffer               0
    backlog                  50
    runOnStartUp             3
    extMaxIdleTime           300
    priority                 3
    memSoftLimit             2047M
    memHardLimit             2047M
    procSoftLimit            500
    procHardLimit            600

    railsEnv                 1
    maxConns                 5
    env                      LSAPI_MAX_IDLE=60
    initTimeout              60
    retryTimeout             0
    pcKeepAliveTimeout       60
    respBuffer               0
    backlog                  50
    runOnStartUp             3
    extMaxIdleTime           300
    priority                 3
    memSoftLimit             2047M
    memHardLimit             2047M
    procSoftLimit            500
    procHardLimit            600

    railsEnv                 1
    maxConns                 5
    env                      LSAPI_MAX_IDLE=60
    initTimeout              60
    retryTimeout             0
    pcKeepAliveTimeout       60
    respBuffer               0
    backlog                  50
    runOnStartUp             3
    extMaxIdleTime           300
    priority                 3
    memSoftLimit             2047M
    memHardLimit             2047M
    procSoftLimit            500
    procHardLimit            600

virtualHost Example{
    vhRoot                   Example/
    allowSymbolLink          1
    enableScript             1
    restrained               1
    maxKeepAliveReq 10000
    setUIDMode               0
    chrootMode               0
    configFile               conf/vhosts/Example/vhconf.conf

listener Default{
    address *:8188
    secure                   0
    map                      Example *
vhTemplate centralConfigLog{
    templateFile             conf/templates/ccl.conf
    listeners                Default

vhTemplate EasyRailsWithSuEXEC{
    templateFile             conf/templates/rails.conf
    listeners                Default

module cache {
    ls_enabled          1

    checkPrivateCache   1
    checkPublicCache    1
    maxCacheObjSize     10000000
    maxStaleAge         200
    qsCache             1
    reqCookieCache      1
    respCookieCache     1
    ignoreReqCacheCtrl  1
    ignoreRespCacheCtrl 0

    enableCache         0
    expireInSeconds     3600
    enablePrivateCache  0
    privateExpireInSeconds 3600


include /www/server/panel/vhost/openlitespeed/*.conf
include /www/server/panel/vhost/openlitespeed/listen/*.conf