Openlitespeed lost 80% virtualhost website

Hello everyone, I host 100 website on almalinux vps with openlitespeed. Today90% virtualhost missing. but all source still available. I check satus of systemctl all running.
Have you guys ever encountered this error and can anyone give me a solution. All domains accessed via browser return can't not access the resource. 1732022714949.png
Resource of website available but webserver can't not access Vhost
It seems like a critical issue, but there hasn't been a new OLS package update for a while. Could you let us know if anything was done before the issue occurred? Maybe you can contact with this forum post link appended as well.
Note: just in case, please try to backup all the conf files like the following.
cp -r /usr/local/lsws/conf /usr/local/lsws/conf.bk