OpenLiteSpeed Version 1.4.26 is now released! Now supports BoringSSL and TLS 1.3!


Hi Everyone,

We're happy to announce the release of OpenLiteSpeed 1.4.26.

With 1.4.26, OLS now supports using BoringSSL and TLS 1.3, so for anyone looking to push the envelope with web technologies, try these out and let us know what you think!

Also involved in this release are several bug fixes reported by our awesome users, so thank you all for finding these issues!

One important note - DNS lookup was switched to use only the udns library, so it is a new requirement for compiling OLS. If you run into a compilation issue, please try installing libudns for your Operating System.

CentOS 5, 6, 7: udns-devel
Ubuntu/Debian: libudns-dev
FreeBSD: /usr/ports/dns/udns
Mac OS X: port install libudns

Download OpenLiteSpeed here.

We are experiencing some issues with our debian repos, some are available, but others are encountering errors. We are aware of this and will work to fix this ASAP.
