OpenLiteSpeed with mod_security running as reverse proxy (WAF)

@edan, it might be more efficient for you to share your /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.conf and /usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts/proxy-vhost/vhost.conf files here or with LiteSpeed tech support.
root@ols-proxy:/usr/local/lsws/conf# cat /usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts/nginx/vhconf.conf

rewrite {
enable 1
rules REWRITERULE ^(.*)$ HTTP://nginx/$1 [P]


root@ols-proxy:/usr/local/lsws/conf# cat httpd_config.conf
#It not set, will use host name as serverName
user nobody
group nogroup
priority 0
inMemBufSize 60M
swappingDir /tmp/lshttpd/swap
autoFix503 1
gracefulRestartTimeout 300
mime conf/
showVersionNumber 0
adminEmails root@localhost

errorlog logs/error.log {
logLevel DEBUG
debugLevel 0
rollingSize 10M
enableStderrLog 1

accesslog logs/access.log {
rollingSize 10M
keepDays 30
compressArchive 0
indexFiles index.html, index.php

expires {
enableExpires 1
expiresByType image/*=A604800,text/css=A604800,application/x-javascript=A604800,application/javascript=A604800,font/*=A604800,application/x-font-ttf=A604800

tuning {
maxConnections 10000
maxSSLConnections 10000
connTimeout 300
maxKeepAliveReq 10000
keepAliveTimeout 5
sndBufSize 0
rcvBufSize 0
maxReqURLLen 32768
maxReqHeaderSize 65536
maxReqBodySize 2047M
maxDynRespHeaderSize 32768
maxDynRespSize 2047M
maxCachedFileSize 4096
totalInMemCacheSize 20M
maxMMapFileSize 256K
totalMMapCacheSize 40M
useSendfile 1
fileETag 28
enableGzipCompress 1
compressibleTypes default
enableDynGzipCompress 1
gzipCompressLevel 6
gzipAutoUpdateStatic 1
gzipStaticCompressLevel 6
brStaticCompressLevel 6
gzipMaxFileSize 10M
gzipMinFileSize 300

quicEnable 1
quicShmDir /dev/shm

fileAccessControl {
followSymbolLink 1
checkSymbolLink 0
requiredPermissionMask 000
restrictedPermissionMask 000

perClientConnLimit {
staticReqPerSec 0
dynReqPerSec 0
outBandwidth 0
inBandwidth 0
softLimit 10000
hardLimit 10000
gracePeriod 15
banPeriod 300

CGIRLimit {
maxCGIInstances 20
minUID 11
minGID 10
priority 0
CPUSoftLimit 10
CPUHardLimit 50
memSoftLimit 1460M
memHardLimit 1470M
procSoftLimit 400
procHardLimit 450

accessDenyDir {
dir /
dir /etc/*
dir /dev/*
dir conf/*
dir admin/conf/*

accessControl {
allow ALL

extprocessor lsphp {
type lsapi
address uds://tmp/lshttpd/lsphp.sock
maxConns 10
initTimeout 60
retryTimeout 0
persistConn 1
respBuffer 0
autoStart 1
path lsphp73/bin/lsphp
backlog 100
instances 1
priority 0
memSoftLimit 2047M
memHardLimit 2047M
procSoftLimit 1400
procHardLimit 1500

extprocessor nginx {
type proxy
maxConns 100
pcKeepAliveTimeout 60
initTimeout 60
retryTimeout 0
respBuffer 0

scripthandler {
add lsapi:lsphp php

railsDefaults {
maxConns 1
initTimeout 60
retryTimeout 0
pcKeepAliveTimeout 60
respBuffer 0
backlog 50
runOnStartUp 3
extMaxIdleTime 300
priority 3
memSoftLimit 2047M
memHardLimit 2047M
procSoftLimit 500
procHardLimit 600

wsgiDefaults {
maxConns 5
initTimeout 60
retryTimeout 0
pcKeepAliveTimeout 60
respBuffer 0
backlog 50
runOnStartUp 3
extMaxIdleTime 300
priority 3
memSoftLimit 2047M
memHardLimit 2047M
procSoftLimit 500
procHardLimit 600

nodeDefaults {
maxConns 5
initTimeout 60
retryTimeout 0
pcKeepAliveTimeout 60
respBuffer 0
backlog 50
runOnStartUp 3
extMaxIdleTime 300
priority 3
memSoftLimit 2047M
memHardLimit 2047M
procSoftLimit 500
procHardLimit 600

module cache {
internal 1

checkPrivateCache 1
checkPublicCache 1
maxCacheObjSize 10000000
maxStaleAge 200
qsCache 1
reqCookieCache 1
respCookieCache 1
ignoreReqCacheCtrl 1
ignoreRespCacheCtrl 0

enableCache 0
expireInSeconds 3600
enablePrivateCache 0
privateExpireInSeconds 3600
ls_enabled 1

virtualhost Example {
vhRoot Example/
configFile conf/vhosts/Example/vhconf.conf
allowSymbolLink 1
enableScript 1
restrained 1
setUIDMode 0

virtualhost nginx {
vhRoot $SERVER_ROOT/proxy/
configFile $SERVER_ROOT/conf/vhosts/$VH_NAME/vhconf.conf
allowSymbolLink 0
enableScript 0
restrained 1

listener Default {
address *:80
secure 0
map nginx *

vhTemplate centralConfigLog {
templateFile conf/templates/ccl.conf
listeners Default

vhTemplate EasyRailsWithSuEXEC {
templateFile conf/templates/rails.conf
listeners Default


Active Member
Is the nginx server running on the same machine or a different machine?
I see the proxy address is defined as: address
but it looks like your listener is also on port 80.

I would also advise again calling the proxy extapp and the virtual host both 'nginx'. That's sure to create confusion at some point.
Is the nginx server running on the same machine or a different machine?
I see the proxy address is defined as: address
but it looks like your listener is also on port 80.

I would also advise again calling the proxy extapp and the virtual host both 'nginx'. That's sure to create confusion at some point.
Nginx server running on different server
OLS running on listening 80

I changed External App to be ols-proxy

I still have same error


Active Member
Ah correct. I ran into this issue myself at first. I was a bit puzzled that OLS did not create the folder or display a warning that it won't work without it. @Cold-Egg: maybe it would be something worth looking it?

I think this situation happens mostly when using OLS as reverse proxy, where the necessity of creating an empty directory somewhere is not obvious.


Ah correct. I ran into this issue myself at first. I was a bit puzzled that OLS did not create the folder or display a warning that it won't work without it. @Cold-Egg: maybe it would be something worth looking it?

I think this situation happens mostly when using OLS as reverse proxy, where the necessity of creating an empty directory somewhere is not obvious.
I will forward this request to the web admin developer. :)


Wait, it should shows like this if the conf file doesn't exist, isn't it? Then you need to click the "Click to create" button to generate the config file.