OpenSupport & OpenLite


I tried now a lot, but it seems it was not right or I missing something. After I go the site will show a blank installation page, I used a bit Google and should use this code:

<Directory /var/www/html/support/>
AllowOverride FileInfo

Since OpenLite does not support this code, I am quite lost how I access the installation.
I also tried to delete the .htaccess and wrote the content into the vhost, but didn't changed anything. Also tried it with a context.


Errorlog shows this:

2020-03-18 17:54:23.218125 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] strip base: '/support/' from URI: '/support/api/system/installation-done'
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218191 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] Rule: Match 'api/system/installation-done' with pattern '.*', result: 1
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218315 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] stat( /usr/local/lsws/raining/html/support/api/system ) failed
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218333 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] stat( /usr/local/lsws/raining/html/support/api/system ) failed
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218367 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] Cond: Match '/support/api/system/installation-done' with pattern '^/?(api)/', result: -1
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218385 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] Source URI: 'api/system/installation-done' => Result URI: 'index.php'
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218403 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] Last Rule, stop!
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218450 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] prepend rewrite base: '/support/', final URI: '/support/index.php'
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218475 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] strip base: '/support/' from URI: '/support/index.php'
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218493 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] Rule: Match 'index.php' with pattern '.*', result: 1
2020-03-18 17:54:23.218525 [INFO] [----#raining] [REWRITE] Cond: test '/usr/local/lsws/raining/html/support/index.php' with pattern '-f', result: 0
