I recently upgraded 15 servers (all Alma linux 8) to OLS 1.8.3. The upgrade was smooth on all servers but 1. On one of the servers, lsws would not start after the upgrade to 1.8.3. The error in the lsrestart log was this:
check port 7080 after kill all litespeed processes
We chacked and did not find any other processes using port 7080. We also tested a complete reboot of the server.
We tried the following changes but these did not fix the issue:
1. Modifying the config file "admin_config.conf" to change the port of the listener to "*:7081"
2. Re-issue valid Letsencrypt key and cert in: /usr/local/lsws/admin/conf/ (These keys are overwritten by the 1.8.3 upgrade process)
We were able to solve the problem by downgrading to OLS 1.8.2
We have run the upgrade to 1.8.3 multiple times. After the upgrade to 1.8.3, lsws does not start. When we downgrade to 1.8.2, lsws starts with no problem.
check port 7080 after kill all litespeed processes
We chacked and did not find any other processes using port 7080. We also tested a complete reboot of the server.
We tried the following changes but these did not fix the issue:
1. Modifying the config file "admin_config.conf" to change the port of the listener to "*:7081"
2. Re-issue valid Letsencrypt key and cert in: /usr/local/lsws/admin/conf/ (These keys are overwritten by the 1.8.3 upgrade process)
We were able to solve the problem by downgrading to OLS 1.8.2
We have run the upgrade to 1.8.3 multiple times. After the upgrade to 1.8.3, lsws does not start. When we downgrade to 1.8.2, lsws starts with no problem.