problem with make a password for a folder

Hi Seyed,

Does the error log show any errors on startup related to this issue?

How did you generate your htpasswd file? Did you use htpasswd2?

I just made a test using htpasswd2:
htpasswd2 -c ./testhtpasswd test
I noticed that the file created may not have all the permissions, so if this is how you created it, maybe try chmod 0755?

Hope this helps,
The error log is usually $SERVER_ROOT/logs/error.log

If you configured your vhost to have a separate error log, it may be in that one as well.
Could you post your server level log?

If you don't want to post it on the forum, just email it to me at kfwu at litespeedtech dot com


Is "Require (Authorized Users/Groups)" set for some value? For example, default is "user test", then only "test" user allow for login.

Otherwise show more steps and details/or even screenshoot how you set it up, will try to analysis what happened.
i can't share them in public because it's full of ip and ports which is important to us for our security.
so i went to but i could't find your email or a way to send them for you
can you give me email or a way to send them for u?