Question about SSL

Hi I was wondering when a wild card ssl gets renewed, does certificate change as well or it stays the same?

The reason I am asking this is because subdomain of my main website is hosted on different server and I have enetered the wild card ssl manually and I am worried about if I need to do that again once the ssl gets renewed.

It is a let's encrypt ssl.

Thank you.
the way I have it set up now is this.

wildcard certificate for is generated using let's encrypt certificate and is hosted on openlitespeed server.

now is hosted on different server which is setup using cPanel. I have copied the ssl certificate and key and copy pasted in the cpanel and is working.

I am curious about the scenario when the let's encrypt ssl get renewed. I know ssl on will work just fine. But I am not sure if ssl on will still work after the renewal.

In theory if the ssl certificate just gets renewed I should be fine. But if a new certificate is issued on every renewal then I will have to copy paste the new certificate over to cpanel again in order for me to have the ssl working on

So my question is, when ssl certificate gets renewed. Does it issue you a new certificate or it just renews the previous one. If it just renews the existing one, then I do not need to copy paste the certificate over to in order for it to be working correctly.

Hope it is clear now?


Yes, you will need to copy over the files or create a script to copy them every time you renew the certificate. This is more of a limitation of Let's Encrypt and not OpenLiteSpeed.