SPDY Disabled Yum Installs


So, looking to update my guide to be... easier (particularly as it shows how to do a self compile) and use the yum repo to install and update OLS instead.

However, the version in the Yum Repo requires OpenSSL >1.0.1

None of the standard repos have this at this point in time, and to install either require a self compile (taking away the point of updating the guide) or using the IUS repo.

Would be nice to have a non-SPDY version available to install via yum to remove having to use the IUS repo.
I've used IUS repo for OpenSSL 1.0.1 without issues in the past. You having issues with IUS replacement packages ? Or just prefer not to use if possible ?

Michael might listen to my suggestion for easier compile of OpenSSL 1.0.1e for source installs at https://groups.google.com/d/topic/openlitespeed-development/M4ArfWSH2Ro/discussion to do it the Nginx way.

Or just forgo the YUM OLS install method and use git repository which is what I do.

Here's a one liner shell install of OLS via git repository provided you have opened port 9418 for git if you have firewall in place

echo; echo "Install OpenLiteSpeed via git:"; read -ep "Where do you want to download OpenLiteSpeed source files to ? i.e. /usr/local/src: " DIR; echo; echo "Installing yum packages required..."; echo; yum -q -y install git gcc gcc-c++ make autoconf glibc; yum -q -y install pcre-devel expat-devel openssl-devel geoip-devel zlib-devel; echo; echo "yum packages installed"; cd $DIR; git clone https://github.com/litespeedtech/openlitespeed.git; cd ${DIR}/openlitespeed; BRANCH=$(git branch -r | tail -1); git checkout -t $BRANCH;./configure; make && make install; echo; echo "Web Admin Console: https://$(uname -n):7080"; echo "Admin: admin Pass: 123456"; echo; echo "Default sample site: http://$(uname -n):8088"; echo
Simple git pull to update source directory for update/recompile or just update OLS via web admin console gui (exists in OpenLiteSpeed ? can't see it ? ) :D

Adjust to your own liking if needed :D


Active Member
Ummm... Guys? I realized something today when I read this post. You don't need to install OpenSSL 1.0.1 if you install OpenLiteSpeed from the RPM. If you install it from the RPM, it comes with the required OpenSSL library for SPDY. So you don't need to install OpenSSL 1.0.1... It should just work.

Yeah. We should have made that clearer earlier. I'm going to add that to the site.
Ummm... Guys? I realized something today when I read this post. You don't need to install OpenSSL 1.0.1 if you install OpenLiteSpeed from the RPM. If you install it from the RPM, it comes with the required OpenSSL library for SPDY. So you don't need to install OpenSSL 1.0.1... It should just work.

Yeah. We should have made that clearer earlier. I'm going to add that to the site.
Interesting didn't know that :)