Hi all, I've been struggling with this for a couple days now and I thought someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.
I installed OLS on a Linode, and set up a VHost template, with a single member virtual host (chronicdigital.com) to test it out. Everything is working as expected for port 80, but I can't get the SSL Listener operational.
Certbot was able to generate a certificate and private key successfully. I have an SSL Listener set up, and in the VHost Template, the SSL key and certificate settings are pointed to the correct files: /etc/letsencrypt/live/$VH_NAME/privkey.pem and /etc/letsencrypt/live/$VH_NAME/fullchain.pem
On the dashboard, my SSL listener shows a broken link icon. Qualys ssl labs test says it can't reach the server, but it does display the IP address when I test the domain name:
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. The SSL Listener has these settings:

I installed OLS on a Linode, and set up a VHost template, with a single member virtual host (chronicdigital.com) to test it out. Everything is working as expected for port 80, but I can't get the SSL Listener operational.
Certbot was able to generate a certificate and private key successfully. I have an SSL Listener set up, and in the VHost Template, the SSL key and certificate settings are pointed to the correct files: /etc/letsencrypt/live/$VH_NAME/privkey.pem and /etc/letsencrypt/live/$VH_NAME/fullchain.pem
On the dashboard, my SSL listener shows a broken link icon. Qualys ssl labs test says it can't reach the server, but it does display the IP address when I test the domain name:
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. The SSL Listener has these settings: