URGENT: OLS (OpenLiteSpeed) 404 Not Found on Laravel

After setting up everything correctly, my image (png) still appears broken or is never displayed. When you open the image link in a new tab, it says 404 even though the image was uploaded. And yes, the uploads directory has the right permission.

The landing page with the missing image:

URL of the image:
Screenshot from 2024-04-15 14-41-42.png

404 error displayed:

Image as located in it's correct directory:

Website directory setup:

.htaccess file:

vhosts files:
docRoot                   $VH_ROOT
vhDomain                  $VH_NAME
adminEmails               example@example.com
enableGzip                1
enableIpGeo               1

index  {
  useServer               0
  indexFiles index.php,index.html

errorlog /www/wwwlogs/$VH_NAME_ols.error_log {
  useServer               0
  logLevel                ERROR
  rollingSize             10M

accesslog /www/wwwlogs/$VH_NAME_ols.access_log {
  useServer               0
  logFormat               '%{X-Forwarded-For}i %h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"'
  logHeaders              5
  rollingSize             10M
  keepDays                10  compressArchive         1

scripthandler  {
  add                     lsapi:demo.ample.ng php

extprocessor demo.ample.ng {
  type                    lsapi
  address                 UDS://tmp/lshttpd/demo.ample.ng.sock
  maxConns                20
  env                     LSAPI_CHILDREN=20
  initTimeout             600
  retryTimeout            0
  persistConn             1
  pcKeepAliveTimeout      1
  respBuffer              0
  autoStart               1
  path                    /usr/local/lsws/lsphp82/bin/lsphp
  extUser                 www
  extGroup                www
  memSoftLimit            2047M
  memHardLimit            2047M
  procSoftLimit           400
  procHardLimit           500

phpIniOverride  {
php_admin_value open_basedir "/tmp/:/www/wwwroot/demo.ample.ng/"

expires {
    enableExpires           1
    expiresByType           image/*=A43200,text/css=A43200,application/x-javascript=A43200,application/javascript=A43200,font/*=A43200,application/x-font-ttf=A43200

rewrite  {
  enable                  1
  autoLoadHtaccess        1
  include /www/server/panel/vhost/openlitespeed/proxy/demo.ample.ng/urlrewrite/*.conf
  include /www/server/panel/vhost/apache/redirect/demo.ample.ng/*.conf
  include /www/server/panel/vhost/openlitespeed/redirect/demo.ample.ng/*.conf
include /www/server/panel/vhost/openlitespeed/proxy/demo.ample.ng/*.conf

include /www/server/panel/vhost/openlitespeed/detail/ssl/demo.ample.ng.conf
Please, I need assistance like yesterday. I've been trying to get this project to work for days now. At some points, I've even had to uninstall and reinstall aaPanel.

The server (Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS) runs on: aaPanel, OLS 1.8.1, PHP 8.2, MySQL 5.5
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Thanks for your response. I've reinstalled the control panel more times than I can count. The file path is correct too; it is only the png images that do not show up.

I also visited the link you shared, I was unable to run the storage:link command since the owner of the directory and files are `www` and I do not have access to that plus I do not think using `sudo php artisan storage:link