I have a Template set up and in the "SSL -> Private Key File" section I have /etc/ssl/$VH_NAME/privkey.pem and added a member virtual host but the default SSL certificate applied from the SSL listener always comes up. Is it possible to use $VH_NAME (or $VH_DOMAIN) as part of a "Private Key File" entry in a template?
If not then what is the best practice for applying "dynamic" SSL certificates per member vhost when using VHost Templates?
The only thing I can think of is to use dedicated vhost entries with a hard-wired path to the certificates but then what is the point of using templates if you can't "dynamically" declare a different certificate per vhost?
If not then what is the best practice for applying "dynamic" SSL certificates per member vhost when using VHost Templates?
The only thing I can think of is to use dedicated vhost entries with a hard-wired path to the certificates but then what is the point of using templates if you can't "dynamically" declare a different certificate per vhost?