WebAdmin access via URL

How and what should I do to change the IP address for the domain name for the webadmin access?
by the way, I can not access with httS://ipadress. I get a warning and I get a redirection to http.


Just create a normal VH with a valid domain, then you can access it with port 7080.
A warning should be fine, because it uses a self-signed certificate by default, accept it and you should be able to proceed it.
It should only redirect to https, no redirect to http feature, so I am not sure why you have such an issue. If you can reproduce it on an incognito browser, please share it with us through support@litespeedtech.com
What I've done so I can have a nice URL that's easy to remember and not have to open another port for cloudflare to use, was just to use cloudflared.

Go to Zero trust on CF dashboard and click Access -> Tunnels. Follow the installation instructions. I'm on Ubuntu so I just followed the Debian route...