What OLS server limit (10 vcpu)

I have a situation, with a VM with 10 VCPU and 32GB of RAM, with an average of 180 requests per second on this server.

However, WP-FORMS and Elementor are VERY slow, many times they don't even open pages for editing or creation, what and how to find out where the problem or bottleneck is?

System Load AVG: 0.26 0.39 0.54

== Server Environment ==
  Operating System: Linux
  Software: LiteSpeed
  MySQL version: MariaDB Server v10.5.16
  PHP Version: 8.2.1
  PHP Memory Limit: 128M
  PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
  PHP Max Post Size: 100M
  GD Installed: Yes
  ZIP Installed: Yes
  Write Permissions: All right
  Elementor Library: Connected

== WordPress Environment ==
  Version: 6.2.2
  WP Multisite: No
  Max Upload Size: 100 MB
  Memory limit: 40M
  Max Memory limit: 256M
  Permalink Structure: /noticias/%postname%/
  Language: pt-BR
  Timezone: America/Sao_Paulo
  Debug Mode: Inactive

== Theme ==
  Name: Hello Elementor
  Version: 2.6.1
  Author: Elementor Team
  Child Theme: No

== User ==
  Role: administrator
  WP Profile lang: pt_BR
  User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/115.0.1901.183

== Active Plugins ==
  Better Search Replace
    Version: 1.4.2
    Author: WP Engine

  Duplicate Menu
    Version: 0.2.2
    Author: Jonathan Christopher

  Duplicate Page
    Version: 4.5.2
    Author: mndpsingh287

  Easy WP SMTP
    Version: 2.1.0
    Author: Easy WP SMTP

    Version: 3.13.4
    Author: Elementor.com

  Elementor Pro
    Version: 3.13.2
    Author: Elementor.com

  Enable Media Replace
    Version: 4.1.2
    Author: ShortPixel

  File Upload Types
    Version: 1.3.0
    Author: WPForms

  Lana Downloads Manager
    Version: 1.8.1
    Author: Lana Codes

  LiteSpeed Cache
    Version: 5.5.1
    Author: LiteSpeed Technologies

  Real Media Library
    Version: 4.18.29
    Author: devowl.io

    Version: 5.3.10
    Author: John Godley

  reSmush.it Image Optimizer
    Version: 0.4.11
    Author: reSmush.it

  Safe SVG
    Version: 2.1.1
    Author: 10up

  Site Kit by Google
    Version: 1.103.0
    Author: Google

  Wicked Folders
    Version: 2.18.18
    Author: Wicked Plugins

  WordPress Importer
    Version: 0.8.1
    Author: wordpressdotorg

    Author: WPForms

  WPForms Custom Captcha
    Version: 1.3.2
    Author: WPForms

  WPForms Form Abandonment
    Version: 1.5.0
    Author: WPForms

  WPForms Form Locker
    Version: 2.0.2
    Author: WPForms

  WPForms Form Pages
    Version: 1.4.1
    Author: WPForms

  WPForms Offline Forms
    Version: 1.2.3
    Author: WPForms

  WPForms Signatures
    Version: 1.3.1
    Author: WPForms

  WPForms Surveys and Polls
    Version: 1.6.4
    Author: WPForms

  WPForms Webhooks
    Version: 1.1.0
    Author: WPForms

  WPS Menu Exporter
    Version: 1.3.5
    Author: WPServeur, NicolasKulka, wpformation, benoti

  Yoast SEO
    Version: 20.9
    Author: Team Yoast

== Elements Usage ==

  page : 49
    accordion : 1
    divider : 23
    heading : 105
    icon-box : 3
    icon-list : 5
    image : 57
    image-box : 14
    nav-menu : 2
    search-form : 2
    spacer : 11
    tabs : 5
    text-editor : 109
    toggle : 56
  popup : 19
    button : 3
    heading : 2
    image : 2
  section : 0
    button : 8
    heading : 8
    image : 8
  wp-post : 4
    text-editor : 2
  wp-page : 341
    alert : 3
    author-box : 6
    button : 47
    divider : 21
    heading : 319
    html : 31
    icon : 3
    icon-box : 114
    icon-list : 33
    image : 76
    image-box : 7
    nav-menu : 14
    posts : 3
    reviews : 1
    search-form : 9
    slides : 11
    spacer : 27
    tabs : 1
    text-editor : 209
    toggle : 3
    video : 8
    wpforms : 28

== Settings ==

  allow_tracking: yes
  unfiltered_files_upload: 1

== Features ==
  Custom Fonts: 4
  Custom Icons: 0

== Integrations ==

== Elementor Experiments ==
  Optimized DOM Output: Active by default
  Improved Asset Loading: Active by default
  Improved CSS Loading: Active by default
  Inline Font Icons: Inactive by default
  Accessibility Improvements: Active by default
  Additional Custom Breakpoints: Active by default
  admin_menu_rearrangement: Inactive by default
  Flexbox Container: Inactive by default
  Upgrade Swiper Library: Inactive by default
  Grid Container: Inactive by default
  Default to New Theme Builder: Active by default
  Hello Theme Header & Footer: Active by default
  Editor Top Bar: Inactive by default
  Landing Pages: Active by default
  Nested Elements: Inactive by default
  Lazy Load Background Images: Inactive by default
  Page Transitions: Active by default
  Notes: Active by default
  Loop: Active by default
  Form Submissions: Active by default
  Scroll Snap: Active by default
  Menu: Inactive by default


The system load seems pretty low, does the load happens when the page loading slowly? Better to share the whole output of the `top` command so it may show more information during editing the elementor. Does the page loading issue only happens in the backend and not on the front page?


Active Member
what and how to find out where the problem or bottleneck is?
You could actually answer your own question. Just count the amount of plugins, then you have the answer. This is not an OLS problem, but a problem with Wordpress, or an unavoidable problem with any PHP framework. Reduce the number of plugins to a tolerable level. Then your performance problems will also be reduced.