Wordpress multisite + Domains Issue

I installed the OpenliteSpeed Server and Wordpress Multisite and it works fine with sub-directories ..

I used DNS manger for the other domains , and I created A record with the same value of the main ip address of the host , and in DNS Checker it works fine .

But i added it in wordpress multisite options but it doesn't work ..

How can I add my domains in Virtual Hosts or what should i do to add Let's Encrypt SSL certificates to a multiple domains with the same A record ?


In term of "How can I add my domains in Virtual Hosts", Have you got chance to check https://openlitespeed.org/kb/ ? It should have instructions on OLS virtual host setup.

In term of let's encrypt SSL, you may need to have wildcart certificates to cover *.yourdomain.com for main domain and subdomains(if what's what you means of multiple domains).

You 'd better provide some detailed examples with some screenshots and detailed steps/explanation for us to understand more clear.
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Hello Pong ,

Thanks Pong for your support , I have installed a WordPress on Linode using the image Openlitespeed Wordpress Image by LiteSpeed .
After that I configured the MultiSite Network as here :


and it works fine .. with my main domain :

then I added a new site named it : Lacklouk.com

it created a default URL : https://www.zagdesigner.com/lacklouk/

It works great ..

So I changed the domain name to lacklouk.com " whic have the same DNS of www.zagdesigner.com " it doesn't work ..

I want to create multiple sites with multiple domains not a sub-directory ..

I don't know what I have to do ..


It seems the issue is: http://lacklouk.com/ returns 404 error
    1. Request URL:
    2. Request Method:
    3. Status Code:
      404 Not Found
    4. Remote Address:
    5. Referrer Policy:
  1. Response Headersview source
    1. Cache-Control:
      private, no-cache, max-age=0
    2. Connection:
    3. Content-Encoding:
    4. Content-Type:
    5. Date:
      Wed, 08 Jan 2020 19:34:25 GMT
    6. Pragma:
    7. Server:
    8. Transfer-Encoding:
    9. Vary:

Did you try to restart OLS after the change?

what's the configuration under listener 80? and Listener 443?
Alternatively, you can log a ticket with with login info, we can check for you.


@alsherif ,

If you haven't to, I would recommend you to setup multiple virtualhost for each domain, and then add all the virtual hosts on the listeners first. This way, you can apply LE certificate for each one and set it on the virtual host's SSL tab easily.
Should not getting 404 if setup correctly.
