Redirect to www or non-www

I host a wordpress website and there's a redirect to www or non-www.
I want to remove this... I want to make works www and non-www for seo reason.

This should be done in OLS or WordPress?

I resolve this with this, in your functions.php

add_action( 'parse_request', 'wpse_395638_1' );
function wpse_395638_1( $wp ) {
    // If the current URL doesn't have any path and with the www prefix, e.g.
    // or, then we
    // completely disable the canonical redirect by unhooking redirect_canonical().
    if ( empty( $wp->request ) ) {
        $host = parse_url( home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST );

        if ( "www.$host" === $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ) {
            remove_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical' );

// This snippet doesn't disable canonical redirect, but the snippet ensures
// that the redirect URL uses the www prefix, unless the current URL doesn't
// use it.
add_filter( 'redirect_canonical', 'wpse_395638_2', 10, 2 );
function wpse_395638_2( $redirect_url, $requested_url ) {
    $host  = parse_url( $redirect_url, PHP_URL_HOST );
    $host2 = parse_url( $requested_url, PHP_URL_HOST );

    // If the current URL uses www, we add it back to the redirect URL.
    if ( "www.$host" === $host2 ) {
        $redirect_url = preg_replace( '#^http(s?)://#', 'http$1://www.', $redirect_url );

    return $redirect_url;