HTTP2 or HTTP3 traffic between reverse proxy and backend required


I have a reverse proxy frontend which handles the SSL certs for the backend servers. My backends are running wordpress and are on different IP'S. I use rewrite rules and the EXTERNAL APP tab to pass traffic from the REVERSE PROXY to the required backend. Both reverse proxy and all backends are on openlitespeed.

The communication between the user visiting my homepages is HTTP2 as its hitting the reverse proxy which has the SSL cert. All fine here.

Problem: the communication between the reverse proxy and the backend server is always HTTP1.1 no matter what I do.

P.s.1: I tried setting up self signed certs between the backend and the reverse proxy but did not have any luck. not ethat running "curl -k -I --http2" from the reverse proxy to one of my backends is showing http2 fine but the webpage is only being served with http1.1 between the openlitespeed reverse proxy and the backend regardless.
p.s.2: I also tried setting up "Enable HTTP/2 Over Cleartext TCP " and setting the 443 connection to "Secure" is "No" as suggested in some forums. But that did not help either.

Has anyone managed to get HTTP2/HTTP3 trafic between an openlitespeed reverse proxy and an openlitespeed backend ?

Is it possible at all or is that not supported by openlitespeed ?
