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  1. P

    [ASK] telegram webhook

    Does telegram webhook mean "websocket proxy"? If so, please refer to:
  2. P

    logfile entry

    signal 6 seems some bug, if you forward it to bug@, our developer will look at it further. Yes, new version of OLS will read your .htaccess file ( but only rewrite rules, everything else will not be recognized by OLS). If you still worry about the 2018-09-07 16:55:07.827655 [ERROR] path is not...
  3. P

    logfile entry

    I am not aware of any changes particular for you case. Not sure what do you mean "sub path rewritten"? Not sure how you use /var/www/ for? Is that home for all your virtuahost? You can just change permission to be accessible. Since I don't know your server configuration, hard to tell. For me...
  4. P

    logfile entry

    which user and group do you run OLS? nobody:nobody? /var/www/ may give "Apache:Apache" user access by default, may not for "nobody:nobody", you should give OLS web server access to it.
  5. P

    logfile entry

    Can you post those logs here? It more looks like some permission issue.
  6. P

    Is Fedora working?

    the repo is not for Fedora 28. but you should be able to install from source code. looks like your server missing geoip-dev package. Did you miss something from this wiki? such as: yum install gcc gcc-c++ make autoconf glibc rcs yum...
  7. P

    Is Fedora working?

    maybe list details what you did and how it failed. without such information, we don't know where you were stacked.
  8. P

    Is Fedora working?

    What problem are you experiencing? Can you share a little bit more about commands you run and error you experienced? We don't normally test on fedora, but it normally should be similar to CentOS.
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    Chrooted PHP

    1. You will need to verify through top or ps command to see if lsphps are running as user:group 2. PHP SuEXEC doesn't equal to "CHROOT", is for shared hosting user to run PHP as "user:group", as long as "user:group" has access to it, but not limited PHP to any folder. You can try something...
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    Paid Support

    Can you explain what 's your problem in details? seems site using cloudflare? Does it use openlitespeed web server?
  11. P

    Chrooted PHP

    You will need to create an external app under virtual host for each virtual host, for example: To use PHP_SuEXEC with OLS , you will need to create lsphp_$vhostname(or any name different between each virtual host and server-server level external app configuration) external app and set it run...
  12. P

    backup my openlitespeed settings?

    maybe you can sync the whole folder /usr/local/lsws/ to new server, then you don't need to reinstall OLS again, assuming the same OS dist.
  13. P

    php.ini php 7.2?

    Sample php.ini can be found from a lot of places: I just download the php 72 source code, wget unpack it and you will find php.ini-production there. Alternatively, you can dwonload from...
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    php.ini php 7.2?

    The easiest way to install php is through packacke install If you compile PHP yourself, you can grasp sample php.ini from source code and copy to the right location...
  15. P

    Updates Losing Configuration

    What do you mean "Webmin does APT"? I don't think there is any option within OLS Web Admin Console to upgrade your OLS installation. You should simply run the following from the command line. It should just upgrade your server and won't override your configuration. If you means Webmin...
  16. P

    possible to use /var/www/html as a webroot?

    You can set your virtual host document root to /var/www/html. Make sure the folder and files owner and permission are right. If you run OLS php as nobody, make sure nobody have right access to /var/www/html
  17. P

    Rewrite to index.php

    Are these rules from Apache .htaccess? You should create "/" context and place rewirte rule there, not vhost/rewrite. Please check this KB for details.
  18. P

    Error "Compress with both Brotli and Gzip turned off."

    Thanks to letting us know. Once our new release out, you can give it try to see if everything ok.
  19. P

    rewrite Rules creates malformed config

    Thank you for the report. it has been fixed in OLS 1.4.33
  20. P

    FreeBSD not supported

    maybe we need to login to your system to take a look. our installation test doesn't show such error.