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  1. D module disappeared :(

    As above, it is moved to server core. But there is bug in WebAdmin which will be fixed in the next release. Right now, if you get that issue, you can make a fake in that location, just in case you want to change the setting of it in webAdmin. Thanks David
  2. D

    Updating DigitalOcean cloud image install

    I will debug it. Thanks David
  3. D

    No versions build under FreeBSD 12.1

    For 1.6. and 1.5, you can use ./, then ./, I tested on fresh freebsd 11 and 12. For 1.4, you can use ./configure, but since GeoIP not support, please add --enable-iptogeo=no to configure. We can remove this part later. Please update us when you still have anything. Thanks. David
  4. D

    reg session / caching [ LOGIN ISSUE ]

    So it seems it is a cache issue, I will test that way. If this is a bug, I will fix it soon. We will release 1.6.5 soon. Thanks you so much. David
  5. D

    reg session / caching [ LOGIN ISSUE ]

    As I know sometimes user get the login issue because the directory permission is not set correctly. The lswsl/conf and lsws/admin/conf should be own-ed by lsadm:lsadm, if not correct, lsadm can not read the conf correctly and cause login issue.
  6. D

    add vhosts/members in command line?

    It is httpd_config.conf, you can modify it by your script. The *0 and *.v is the backup file and rcs database file.
  7. D

    add vhosts/members in command line?

    Yes, you can use script to update the server conf file and then restart the service to take affect.
  8. D

    Error establishing a database connection

    Thank you for your port.
  9. D

    reg IfModule mod_expires.c [ Do it work in .htaccess ]

    Sorry, all of these are not supported in openlitespeed.
  10. D

    how to install Lua support in OLS 1.6+

    Can you build lua module with the 1.6.4 source code?
  11. D

    lshttpd.service: Refusing to accept PID outside (...)

    OK. Got your problem. Thank you for telling us. Please update me when get any new issues. David
  12. D

    lshttpd.service: Refusing to accept PID outside (...)

    Do not know exact issue, but can you try /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start to start the service?
  13. D

    lsphp73 / 1.6.3+ mysql error

    Try to install lsphp separately. If still get trouble, you can give our support team root access so that they can check your server and figure out.
  14. D

    what should be the permission for the Wordpress folder?

    You are welcome and good article. :D
  15. D

    what should be the permission for the Wordpress folder?

    I get some user report as you. I am thinking give you a perfect solution, to try to avoid such permission issue. Can you give me more info? How you did the installation? How did you setup FTP? Are they run as different user?
  16. D

    No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead lock.

    Hello, I checked the release change log and found a bug was fixed on 10/23 and is in v1.6.2 which create a lot similar fake message. You said you are using v1.6.2, so it may be 1, this is real error which is caused by the LSAPI application; 2, Old version such as v1.6.1 is still in use so...
  17. D

    can't upload files to wordpress after update

    Can you do such a test, (restart here means `killall -9 openlitespeed` and start the serive) 1, Add "runOnStartUp 2" to the lsphp config block, restart 2, downgrade to 1.5.7 and restart, you may use /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ -d 1.5.7 3, upgrade to 1.5.9 pre-release version in which...
  18. D

    Completely Reset Wordpress on OLS and Google Cloud Platform

    You may just create a new WP directory and point the VHost to this DIR. And copy the files you need.