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  1. LiteCache

    Getting timeout error...

    This is not a PHP error, so there must be any other function (Plugin?) that controls it. This also means that changes to PHP configuration doesn't impact this error. For better error analysis, you should temporarily disable CF and enable WP debugging.
  2. LiteCache

    Alternative to LiteSpeed Cache Warmup Crawler

    I expected this answer and it confirms the failed test that DirectAdmin does not fix the well-known misconfiguration. There is a possibility to provide a workaround, although it would be better if DirectAdmin solved this problem. So please first ask DirectAdmin support if they have a solution...
  3. LiteCache

    Alternative to LiteSpeed Cache Warmup Crawler

    Create a php file, copy and paste this code in this file, upload this file to the /pub directory, run this file in browser and post what is displayed. <?php echo $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"];
  4. LiteCache

    I have installed litespeed but I still check LSCache is not supported

    There seems to be a misconfiguration of lscache as there is no x-litespeed-cache header. Screenshot image taken from lsws forum. Also x-turbo-charged-by: LiteSpeed header is missing if CloudFlare is used.
  5. LiteCache

    How to migrate Wordpress safely away from OpenLiteSpeed?

    Backup WordPress files and WP database and restore both on the server where Apache is running. That's it.
  6. LiteCache

    How to reduce image HEADERS ? Tips on faster image transfers.

    svg is not an image, it's a document.
  7. LiteCache

    How to reduce image HEADERS ? Tips on faster image transfers.

    png images are bigger than jpg, jpg images are bigger than webp and webp images are bigger than avif images, so png images are not a good choice. Compare the difference: Images are...
  8. LiteCache

    How to reduce image HEADERS ? Tips on faster image transfers.

    It's the nature of every HTTP request that a response header must be added, so you can't request a source without a response. If you want images to be loaded faster optimize images or use a better image type like webp or much better use avif. avif images are up to 50% smaller in size than webp...
  9. LiteCache

    LS Cache randomly breaks page encryption (UTF-8)

    @AndreyPopov WOW, you are still alive!
  10. LiteCache

    LS Cache randomly breaks page encryption (UTF-8)

    As already mentioned in a previous post, the cause of your problem arises when the content is generated. Logically, this generated content is not UTF-8. Such problems can arise when content is copied and pasted from other non-Internet compliant sources into a content editor. However, this is...
  11. LiteCache

    LS Cache randomly breaks page encryption (UTF-8)

    If you follow the official specifications for generating HTML output, there is no need to fix anything or check anything before caching. Although I don't know of any way to check for correct coding before caching, such a check would make caching unnecessary. You want to get an advantage from...
  12. LiteCache

    LS Cache randomly breaks page encryption (UTF-8)

    @stevieosaurus The issue is not caused by LScache or by an incorrect encoding format for the output. Especially since the encoding format for the HTML output does not change any bytes. The cause is an incorrect encoding of the source format, which must be either ANSI or UTF-8. Since you are...
  13. LiteCache

    Getting timeout error...

    noabort and noconntimeout don't work in all cases. LSWS (and OLS?) has LSAPI_MAX_PROCESS_TIME Environment Variable.
  14. LiteCache

    How to install ionCube 13 in PHP 8.1??

    This will help to use the AWR Plugin for WordPress to use AVIF replacement/conversion for the LSCWP cache plugin. Thanks a lot!
  15. LiteCache

    inclusion of http error code in openlitespeed

    @technotic Did you also check this?
  16. LiteCache

    inclusion of http error code in openlitespeed

    You don't have to learn programming. Let others do this job, just try to understand the code. This helps a lot to qualify developers work and also helps to find reasons if a plugin or theme doesn't work as expected.
  17. LiteCache

    inclusion of http error code in openlitespeed

    There is only compatibility for PHP 7.4 to 8.1. Support for PHP > 8.1 will only be possible at the end of this year because we also want to support PHP 8.3, which IonCube is currently unable to guarantee.
  18. LiteCache

    inclusion of http error code in openlitespeed

    Never! Tesla has copied it.... ;)
  19. LiteCache

    inclusion of http error code in openlitespeed

    Make your own fun. :) <?php http_response_code(418); echo "<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='en'> <head> <meta charset='UTF-8'> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'> <title>I'm a teapot</title> <style> body { font-family: Arial...